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"As well as being loads of fun, hooping is factually seriously good for you!"

Come and try a class to see what the Hoopla!s all about, or drop by one of our public events to try on one of our hoops - the next Probestunde and Intro-to-Hooping Workshop dates are listed below. For upcoming events, connect with us on our social platforms (see above) ...and if you'd like to learn more and make hooping part of your regular routine, we have weekly evening & weekend classes running all year in Berlin. * We're also working on an online teaching series for the rest of the world :) 

About Hoopla! - We established Hoopla!Berlin and the Hoopla!Method™ of teaching, specifically to help make it easy for ordinary people to be able to experience hooping and for every-body to get the most out of using a hoop. Our Course program consists of more than 160 moves which can be used for fun, fitness & body-work, as a form of dance, freestyle movement ...even for self-empowerement, meditation or to help with creativity. However you want to spin it hooping is good for you! We now also have a specifically fitness/exercise oriented program consisting of 80+ moves to work the body. Our methods were developed over time through our experiences as performers and instructors - by now with more than 2500hrs of professional teaching experience. We strongly believe that literally everyone can benefit from hooping, regardless of lifestyle, job, age, physique, religion or shoe size and should definitely try on a proper adult-size hoop to feel the fun, the goodness and the nearly endless possibilities for movement & positive body improvement inside this simple but amazing circle. 

About Hooping in general - It is a fact that hooping is physically and mentally good for you ...and it comes with a built bonus in the form of the fun factor, so you are more likely to want to learn more, get lost in it, and keep doing it without finding it a chore. Not only will you get a super-effective workout for the body `just by playing´ with a hoop, the positive effects on the mind are pretty amazing too: As well as making you immediately feel good activating extra amounts of endorphins and serotonin, the actual nature of the continuos circular flowing movements and the unconscious multi-tasking necessary by default, hugely improve fluid thinking, mental discipline, hand-eye coordination and reaction time. 

The body aspect is based on simple physics: While hooping, your body is making non-stop, impact-free, rhythmic movements at a rate of 100-150 movements per minute (below 100 revolutions/min the hoop looses momentum and starts falling // pumping it up to 150+ rpm is a serious workout!). The movements are of a pulsating nature (having a similar effect on the muscles involved as 'trendy' EMS but in analogue non-intrusive form) a great amount of balance and counter balance is also required to keep the movements in line (exactly as you do when using free-weights). The movements required to keep a hoop spinning activate, strengthen and tone all muscles involved from the mid-section, core, legs and glutes down to the toes and all the way up to the neck at an incredible rate. Using the variety of moves we teach, literally all muscles of the body can be engaged. Moves can be done on repeat to target, or in sequence for a flowing non-stop circuit training effect. We've only been able to find one harmful side-effect ...that it is rather addictive! 

About our Hoops - Hoopla!Hoops are made specifically to be easy to learn with and easy to use for both on & off-body moves, for fun, for dance & freestyle and to provide a pain-free source of fitness - unlike Heavy/Exercise Hoops! Our design is based on over 15yrs of experience using hoops and teaching thousands of people with them. What makes our hoops work so well is the right weight to size proportions - all under 1kg ...Note: a hoop any heavier cannot safely or painlessly be spun fast enough to achieve anything other than a massage, certainly not any 'exercise' - or fun!! Our hoops are based on the original uncomplicated 'Californian Style 'Dance' / Body Hoops' which started the revival of hooping for adults in the 90s. We manufacture them in Berlin, individually shaping each hoop using a single piece of tubing before fitting it with a special joint which enables Hoopla!Hoops to fold down for easy-transport - yes we only make Travel-Hoops - this is so you can easily take them with you anywhere you go! We offer 3 basic sizes to satisfy most speed, style & skill requirements and can also make individual sizes by request. As each hoop is 'custom-made' you can also choose your own individual design & colour specifications. Prices start at 40eu.

NOTE: With the growing populaity of hooping and the mass realization that they're actually fun and good for you, there are many ideologies and types of hoops on the market today and also many ways of spinning them, from small light circus/juggling hoops to the scary *and unnecesarily painful* large 'heavy-hoops' sponsored by the fitness industry ...and they are by no means the same in feel, usability or desired effect! It's vitaly important to choose the right hoop for the right purpose & find out what suits your needs best - it's no different than choosing the right bike for the right purpose between say a bmx, racing, city, track, mountain or downhill bike. You should definitely compare before committing to a purchase ...with us, you're more than welcome to come try one on and really feel what the Hoopla!s all about :)  

 If you're curious about hooping... 



75min Workshop

An introduction to the many ways of using a hoop

on-body and off-body for movement & fun

and about the inherent fitness benefits of hooping

Sunday 20.10.




75min workshop 25,00€

* Special offer: Workshop+Hoop 65,00€ (incl. 3-colour 'grip' travel-hoop) *

Registration: classes@hooplaberlin.com - subject 'Workshop'


 If you want to try an actual class... 




Thu 19:30

Come see what our classes are all about, get a

feel for our hoops & our proven step-by-step teaching

method while learning some fun moves in the process


Book a date

> here <



** If you have experience it's also possible to come try

a lesson in one of the current on-going courses


Trial-lesson 15,00€

* Special offer: Probe+Hoop 55,00€ (incl. 3-colour 'grip' travel-hoop) *

Registration: classes@hooplaberlin.com  - subject 'Probe'


 If you wanna Hoop Your Body... 



Drop-in Classes

Learn 80+ ways to spin a hoop to work the body...

It's fitness, exercise & prevention in one while having fun

...just hoop it!

Tuesdays 18:30

Thursdays 19:30



50min classes 5x90,00€ / 10x150,00€ / 1x20,00€

* 5-10€ +Hoop discount available on any 'grip' design travel-hoop *

Registration: classes@hooplaberlin.com - subject 'HooperFIT'


 If you want to learn ALL about it... 



October 2024

Hoop regularly!! Come learn new moves every week

to grow in confidence, improve your movement

and strengthen your body in a super fun way


• Beginners L1 (Su.)

• Essentials L2 (TBA)

• Move&Groove I/II L3/L4 (TBA)

• Freestyle&Flow L5 (TBA)

• Advanced L6/++ (Tu.Th.Su.)

8-lesson Course 150,00€

* Starter offer: Course+Hoop 185,00€ incl. (3-colour 'grip' travel-hoop) *

Registration: classes@hooplaberlin.com - subject 'Courses'


* Class Hoopla!Hoops are always provided to use for all our lessons *

To register and for up to date class availability

contact TeamHoopla!

Tel: +49 174 477 8379

Tel: +49 (0) 30 4404 5749

E-mail: classes@hooplaberlin.com

For fresh hoopNews, new course & event dates >> connect with Hoopla! on Facebook @ facebook.com/hooplaberlin.fanpage 

For hip-shaking 'HoopTunes' Mixes direct from Berlin >> check out our sounds @ soundcloud.com/hooplaberlin

      Weekly lessons in Berlin...

Whether you're an absolute beginner or already love hooping, whatever your hoopability we can find a class / course to fit your skill level. 

We teach two types of classes, both are about learning how to use a hoop for movement for the benefit of the body while having fun :) Our new flex-schedule HooperFIT drop-in classes are open level for anyone to come anytime vs. our 8-lesson Courses which are progressive learning with 6 levels available, starting from the start for beginners and consisting of a total of 160+ moves. In both types of classes you will learn new moves - 3-5 moves per lesson, which you can combine into fun sequences for flow or do on repeat for a fitness result if you like.

We do not teach choreographies, we teach moves and how to move with a hoop. It's about your individual practice, with the focus on proper technique so it feels good - if it feels good, it looks good! What you do with the moves and how you move is up to you... We call it 'freestyle hooping' with the goal of everyone developing their own style - of course with advice given as to how to combine it all.

HooperFUN&FIT classes are about fun and the body using specific moves with a fitness potential. The classes are individual units where we put a set of 'random' moves together in each lesson for a resulting  'combination' which can be done on repeat.

Hoopla Courses are about learning how to really move with a hoop, using a progressive learning technique, repeating moves from previous lessons to build, instil and expand the vocabulary of movement. L1 & L2 containing all essential moves including the all important transfers to move the hoop on and off body. L3 & L4 build on the essentials to get you really moving and grooving once you're already comfortable in a hoop. In L5 we will teach you loads of fancy moves to add to your repertoire of movement & in L6 we combine various selections of all 160+ moves in each lesson to come up with superfun combinations and work on helping to smooth out your flow.

L1 Hooping Essentials * Suitable for Beginners

L2 Hooping Essentials II

L3 Move & Groove I

L4 Move & Groove II

L5 Freestyle & Flow

L6 Advanced Flow & Combos

Anyone can join and/or drop-in to HooperFIT classes at anytime. The Courses start as we get enough people together to form a group (6-12 participants).

HooperFIT classes are on every Tuesday & Thursday and are run on a come-as-you-like pre-purchased card system vs. our Courses, which require an 8-lesson commitment per level / round with pre-set dates. * NOTE: Missing classes of a Course is not a problem, they CAN be replaced with advance notice given.* 

For more information, registration requests and for current class availability...

Hoopla!Courses: 8 lesson course 150€ 

HooperFun&Fit: 5x@90€ •10x@150€ •Drop-in@20€

Probestunde: Single taster class 15€

Intro Workshops: 75min lesson 25€

Private Lessons • Group lessons & Workshops available by request ** Also for private events // work events // as an activity area at a public event.

* HooperFUN&FIT cards: 5x card is valid for 2 months // 10x card for 4 months * One card may be used for all time-slots. 

Come join the real hip movement!

...your body will thank you :)

Our regular weekly classes are taught at two locations in Berlin - Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday lessons take place at our large bright 250sqm studio with high ceilings in Prenzlauerberg. Specialized classes take place at a cool subterranean private studio in a reclaimed factory building in Mitte.

With over 3000 hrs of class time teaching hooping since 2006 we've helped thousands of people find their groove, work-it-out in a hoop and feel great about themselves ...what are you waiting for ? we'd be happy to get you moving, smiling & grooving too! 

...if you have any questions at all about learning to hoop, or need a consultation to determine which class / Course Level would suit you best, just contact TeamHoopla at classes@hooplaberlin.com

It's never too late to start a good thing

...just hoop it!

Sport • Dance • Freestyle • Hoops

A hoop is more than just a tool or a toy, it's becoming recognized as a life-style accessory with life improving qualities - as it should - and we believe it should therefore be as individual as the person buying it ...for this reason, with us you get to choose your exact colours + design + style! 

Not all hoops are made the same! But ordering one of ours is easy as 1 • 2 • 3 . . .

1 • Choose your design & size (see size tips below) 

2 • Decide on your colours & if you want extra grip

3 • Fill out the order form -or- mail your request to: hoops@hooplaberlin.com

Our team will confirm your order and your hoop will be ready in 2-3 days time. You can pick it up in person at our Berlin office, one of our classes, or we can have it delivered to you ...anywhere in the world.

About our hoops: All Hoopla!Hoops are 'Travel-Hoops'. We make them using a solid joint and a one-piece-design for durability, using special 25mm tubing that is totally rigid when opened up for stability, but flexible enough to allow the hoops to coil down for easy transport. We make every Hoopla!Hoop individually with meticulous care at our workshop in Berlin using the best materials sourced from around the world.

Prices start from 40€

What's my size??

To start body-hooping, we recommend the 'standard', it has the right size and weight to make it and you move at a reasonable rate - which makes learning to use it easy ...and therefore fun!

Hoop sizing is based on simple physics - the bigger the hoop the slower it moves and the slower you need to move with it // the smaller the hoop the faster it comes around, requiring more precision from you to catch it's rhythm. 

BODY SIZE HAS NEXT TO NOTHING TO DO WITH HOOP SIZE the speed and amount of movement required to keep a hoop going does not change whether you're tall, short, light or heavy ...your personality however does have an influence, as some like it fast & some like it slow. ** Note: Speeding up a bigger hoop is no problem, but there's no going slow with a small hoop! 

If you're already comfortable with a big easy size or just feel that you prefer to spin fast, go on down to a medium or small * and give your big hoop to someone new :) ...or keep it for when you want to relax! 

Our Hoopla!Hoops do come in 3 sizes to satisfy all personalities, hoopabilities and speed requirements:

• Standard - For all abilities - 110cm • 700-750g

• Dynamic - Intermediate skills - 102cm • 600-650g

• Trixter - Fast moves & off-body - 95cm • 500-550g

* Nothing wrong with having more than one size for different moods & speeds for different styles of movement and music .oO°

NOTE: If you've tried and failed before with another hoop, the hoop was probably the problem!! Too small, too light, too big or too heavy make things difficult... Yes weight does play a big role: A hoop that's too light maintains no inertia making it difficult to keep spinning // one that's too heavy can potentially be painful and even harmful for a weak back. * Stay away from 1kg+ 'exercise hoops' unless your back is super fit! * If you want to work out with a hoop, get one of ours which you can actually spin fast enough for an exercise benefit! 


• Children's hoops - too small and too light for adults.

• 'PolyPro' type small (50-80cm) super-light hoops - about the same size and weight as a children's hoop, initially 'designed' by jugglers for easier use with the hands ...which makes them not so satisfying for on-body hooping!

• Mass-produced weighted 'Heavy Hoops' for 'Exercise' - sold online 'to slim your waist' ...which is more-less a farce! ***Heavier is NOT better for exercise when it comes to a hoop*** the unnecessary extra weight makes it difficult (not to mention painful & potentially dangerous) to spin them fast enough to have an actual exercise effect (!!) resulting at best in a 'belly massage'. FACT IS the number of times you make a hoop go around determines the 'exercise' ratio, which is measured in RPMs ...the other major limiting factor of 'heavy hoops' is that a hoop 1kg or heavier can only realistically be used on the waist, severely limiting it's ability to train any other body part (!!)

**The above is simple logic, based on simple physics and a 'few' years of experience experimenting**

If you have any questions about hoops or sizing, or just need help to make sense of it all, please feel free to ask... hoops@hooplaberlin.com

* Music is an integral part of hooping! *

For a fine selection of specifically hoopable music check out the Hoopla!Music archive of taylor-made HoopTunes mixes ...for your hipshaking pleasure!


Mixed by Hooperfunk

  Hoops and Hoopla! for an Event

Big or small, private, public or corporate, hoops can bring movement and a unique entertainment factor to any event!

...but not like the cliché 'someone on stage spinning dozens of hoops for 15min'. Our speciality is getting your audience involved in enjoying hours of hip-action themselves.

Imagine actually having your guests moving and grooving, laughing and having a great time. Not only will they have loads of fun and learn how to do  something that's positively good for them, even more importantly for you, they will definitely remember the day!

• The German Pavilion at EXPO2010 in Shanghai

• DMY International Design Festival (trade-show)

• Bread & Butter Fashion Fair (trade-show)

• TheKey.TO Sustainable Fashion (trade-show)

• The Hayward Gallery London (opening)

• Lange Nacht der Museén (opening)

• SMART Mercedes Benz Roadshow (event series)

• Namaste Ibiza (event)

• Karneval der Kulturen der Welt (parade)

• Electroswing Revolution (event)

• Fusion Festival (event)

• Zwei Raum Wohnung (video)

are just some of our past clients.

Our interActive HoopZone Packages come complete with instructors, a set of custom made adult size hoops and a groovy 'hoopable' soundtrack to help induce the hip movements - live dj is available on request - highly recommended for extra visual impact. Our Hoopla!HoopZone can easily be set up in nearly any space by our professional team. The portability of the set-up allows us to offer it for nearly any occasion, nearly anywhere in the world.

With over 15 years experience in event production, promotion and management our team is more than capable of helping you out with every detail...

InterActive HoopZones are ideal for...

Corporate events

Trade shows

Ice breakers

Private Parties


Opening events

Product Launches

Media events

Also available for...

Music videos

Film & Commercial work

To make any occasion memorable ...all you need to do is add a bit of Hoopla!

For tailor-made pricing on a HoopZone package contact Team Hoopla! at booking@hooplaberlin.com

Head office

Torstrasse 167

10115 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 4404 5749

+49 (0) 174 477 8379

Prenzlauerberg location

Lychenerst. 75

10439 Berlin

Mitte location

Saarbrückerstr. 23

10119 Berlin

For questions about Hoops and hooping in general

* What hoops & hooping can do for you

* Buying a proper adult-size-hoop

* The new Hoop-at-work initiative

* Hoopla!InterActive business/private rental

Just drop a line ...we're happy to help!

The concept of Hoopla!Berlin was developed by ex mountain-bike racer turned hooping enthusiast (and now instructor) Balazs Ari (CAN/HU) & life-coach / contemporary artist Rachel Catton (UK). Their mission, through teaching classes + producing easy to use hoops + supporting & hosting events with hoops, is to help improve people's lives.

    Making it easily accessible and fun for every-body to try out hooping with a proper adult size hoop that works is essential in everything we do. ** In order to give people the opportunity and experience to actually feel the goodness inside a hoop, so they can discover the potentially life changing benefits of simply playing with a hoop, it is imperative to use a hoop that is designed and made well.